Download e-book for iPad: Varieties of spoken standard Chinese. Volume 2 : A speaker by Cornelius C. Kubler, George T.C. Ho

By Cornelius C. Kubler, George T.C. Ho

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2 man very, quite (cf. 1 (cf. 1 Touguo finyide zongshi mei name zhengque. A 3% B the more A the more B jl^P&-iE-'*£ . <5§$&3^_ Translations are never so accurate. (literally 'Those Cbooks on foreign science and technology] which have passed through translation are always not so accurate. 1 Ylngy j i oxue $M£$t^ teaching of English (cf. 1 shiye Y* undertaking, enterprise (cf. 1 touzi 45. 2 buxibän ^^J^. supplementary or cram schools (in contradistinction to the regular school system, these are organized and offered on a commercial basis to students whose control of one or more subjects may not be sufficient to pass the entrance examination to the next higher level of education.

S: Y£ bubl yäo qiängdiäo nage. xiguän. Neige shlhou jibsl peiySng yuyände YInwfei wbmen yüyän ^Sngcäng däo shljlsulde shihbu, kS'neng fäylnsäng bljiäo nSn jiSozhfen. fäyin btizunde ren xu6 er ningkS Ruguö ^feige shihbu gen... ) buyäo xue, yue xue yufe zäo. 13S H: M hm. yufe häo. yS buyäo jiäzbng tarnen gubfende füdän jiti dulle. S: Dul. ) zäi h8n yuku^ide qlfenz^öng xue, nä _sl zul häode. H: Name dängrSn women xlanzai kändao däbän döu shi ylxie sirende, ha. ) hubzhS pupiande shishl zh^yangde yige jlhua?

Liankao yuejuän. YIngwen xiSzub nengll jlnbu hSn d£. plnyln döu you went!. ) Ylqiän tarnen zl hui t u . . A B C D, kän—ybng xuände ma, diannäo yuejuan. ISi. Na xiänz'ki ne, xie£Üläi wending Hull hen d£, zfesänniän Shuoyl, kao shenme, tarnen jiu hui CrDenz^en, näyifängmi^in jiu hui Crienzen. ) Hahaha. Name wSmen zhldao xianzäi z'ai... Taiwan, dängrän women gänggäng yljlng tändäo yS yJSu suöweide YIngyüre. Name women keyi zäi... xuduö dlfäng kändäo suSweide ertong Ylngyubän. ) Name wo buzhldko ShI Jiäoshbu renwii zheige.

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Varieties of spoken standard Chinese. Volume 2 : A speaker from Taipei by Cornelius C. Kubler, George T.C. Ho

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