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By Armstrong John A.

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This is, of course, another intuitive statement. I. I. does not think that “we have” to do it and so does not do it. Therefore Einstein is a materialist, although on the preceding page he says: “I can not prove that my concept is true but this is my religion”. Here the word religion does not, of course, have anything in common with a standard notion, Einstein uses it purely metaphorically; on the principal distinction between the religious faith and the trust into an intuitive statement in science see [Feinberg (1992), Ch.

Discovered, in particular, was an astonishing paradox: A quantum particle can go through a “potential barrier”, through the domain, in which its kinetic energy is smaller than its potential one! This phenomenon is completely impossible in classical physics, makes no sense in it, violates the law of energy conservation. However, due to the wave properties of a particle, it takes place. Called later a “tunnel effect” (in the paper of our authors this term is still absent) it plays nowadays a great role in physics and technics13 .

One should not deal with N”. I. could have “good” ambitions. But above them was his selfrespect that did not allow him to mix a humiliating “fight for priority” with questions related to science, to comprehending the truth, even when he himself internally suffered from a complete injustice. E. Tamm, and almost all the physicists of Mandelstam school (including those, unfortunately much more rarely, belonging to the next generations) also behaved in the same way. These cases of the unjust oblivion of Mandelstam’s name seem to constitute some kind of a pattern.

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Ukrainian Nationalism. 1939-1945 by Armstrong John A.

by Jason

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