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So of course the antihost wanted to become the host, to sit in his idol Johnny’s chair on Tonight. We know how that turned out: the dealmaking, the skulduggery, the falling out with Jay Leno (once one of Dave’s most reliably hilarious guests). The whole situation went terribly, then well, then terribly again, and finally for the best. Debuting on CBS in 1993, Late Show with David Letterman was Late Night but bigger, with a stronger engine under the hood. For a couple of years, it was wildly successful; then something shifted.

If the surgeons enlarged his heart a size or two while they had him open, the procedure took. After the 9/11 terrorist attacks, he was late night’s cathartic voice: “We’re told they were zealots fueled by religious fervor. And if you live to be a thousand years old, will that make any sense to you? ” He said goodbye to singer Warren Zevon, dying of lung cancer, in a public deep dive into mortality and meaning. ” This wasn’t a wise guy getting sappy in his old age. This was an artist mastering his instrument.

The film’s issues have striking realworld resonance: 1 in 3 women worldwide will be raped or beaten in her lifetime, and around 600,000 people are trafficked across international borders every year. Ensler, who has worked for decades to end violence against women, fielded questions from the cast and crew about what it would be like to be a sex slave or to carry the baby of a rapist. Though the women in the film have suffered, Ensler says she was impressed that in the action scenes, they are as capable as the men.

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Time (25 May 2015)

by Anthony

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