By Alexander Bird
ISBN-10: 1844653064
ISBN-13: 9781844653065
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Secondly, Mannheim criticized Marx for distinguishing between “bourgeois” and “revolutionary” ideas in the respect that only the former are socially distorted. According to Marx revolutionary thinkers are able to grasp the objective truth in a way that bourgeois thinkers are not. Mannheim rejected this epistemological privileging of one group. All groups and their ideologies are subject to sociological analysis: in every case it can be shown how thought matches social role. This led Mannheim’s view to be characterized as relativist.
Furthermore applications of experimental laws do not dovetail with the existing theory in quite the way that extensions do. 12 A last fact-gathering aspect of theory articulation is the fixing of the values of physical constants, such as Newton’s gravitational constant G, or Planck’s constant h. This could be thought of as a special case of the gathering of facts significant according to the theory, because the existence of these constants is something asserted by the theory and is clearly significant by the lights of the theory.
First, practitioners know that there is a solution. Just as someone having difficulty with a crossword clue doesn’t doubt that there is an answer, the scientist knows that there exists a solution to his normal science problem. Failure to find the solution therefore reflects badly not on the paradigm but instead on the skill or ingenuity of the scientist. Secondly, not just anything will count as a solution. Jigsaw pieces that don’t fit easily may not be forced together; the resulting picture must resemble that on the box.
Thomas Kuhn by Alexander Bird
by Robert