By Bruce Eckel
ISBN-10: 0131002872
ISBN-13: 9780131002876
I do not like machine books that deal with you love a child: you must wade through chapters and chapters sooner than the writer begins demanding you. no longer this one. TIJ reads like a talk, strikes speedy and is usually excellent you with fascinating programming snippets. Its truly loads of enjoyable to learn and difficult to place down!
Undoubtedly the most effective books i have learn in programming.
Read it if you'd like a non-dumbed down method of Java.
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I do not like desktop books that deal with you love a child: you want to struggle through chapters and chapters sooner than the writer starts off not easy you. no longer this one. TIJ reads like a talk, strikes quick and is often astounding you with fascinating programming snippets. Its really loads of enjoyable to learn and hard to place down!
Addresses the head a hundred consultancy & schooling discussion board questions, with information & luck components on investigating, comparing, reaching & capitalising on sunlight qualified Java Programmer (SCJP) IT certification.
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5. The most common operations carried out on character strings are splitting them up and joining them together. Any section of a character variable or array element can be extracted by using the substring notation. Strings (and substrings) can be joined end to end by using the concatenation operator in a character expression. These are described in the next two sections. Another fairly common requirement is to search for a particular sequence of characters within a longer string: this can be done with the intrinsic function INDEX.
A logical variable (or array element) may be used to store such a condition value for future use. Logical variables and arrays are also useful when dealing with two-valued data such as whether a person is male or female, a file open or closed, power on or off, etc. Some programmers seem reluctant to use logical variables and arrays because they feel that it must be inefficient to use an entire computer word of perhaps 32 bits to store just one bit of information. In fact the extra code needed to implement a more efficient data packing scheme usually wastes more memory than the logical variables would have occupied.
For example: INTEGER AGE, GRADE LOGICAL SUPER REAL RATE, HOURS, PAY, TAX, INSURE In this example the first four items declared to be real would have had that type anyway had the default rules been left to operate. Confirmatory type specification does no harm. There is no limit to the number of type statements that can be used but a name must not have its type specified explicitly more than once in a program unit. Type statements must precede all executable statements in the unit; it is good practice, though not essential, for them to precede other specification statements referring to the same name.
Thinking in Java (3rd Edition) (One-Off) by Bruce Eckel
by George