Download e-book for kindle: The Treatment of Prostatic Hypertrophy and Neoplasia by L. M. Franks (auth.), John E. Castro B.Sc., F.R.C.S.,

By L. M. Franks (auth.), John E. Castro B.Sc., F.R.C.S., F.R.C.S.E., M.S., Ph.D. (eds.)

ISBN-10: 9401571902

ISBN-13: 9789401571906

ISBN-10: 9401571929

ISBN-13: 9789401571920

In 1963 Professor Huggins! wrote "more than one half the male inhabitants over the age of fifty be afflicted by benign tumors often called prostatic hypertrophy. usually an enlarged prostate is the single hassle to cloud an differently tranquil previous age". This assertion emphasizes vital good points of benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH); the frequency with which it happens and its organization with expanding age. the genuine occurrence is hard to figure out as such a lot information relate to chose teams of sufferers; furthermore, the diagnostic standards of prostatic hypertrophy aren't essentially outlined. Normality merges imperceptibly into abnormality, for even in males who're clinically common, premiums of urinary movement lessen with 2 expanding age . regardless of those inaccuracies, occurrence figures express the significance of the matter; Flocks (1963) three pronounced that sixty five% of yankee males over 60 years be afflicted by it and in a specific crew of Danish males forty three% had signs of the four affliction ; related figures are pronounced for the U ni ted country five. at the present so much sufferers with BPH, who desire therapy, suffer surgical prostatectomy that could be thought of the standard therapy. The frequency of the affliction on my own, creates yes difficulties, for each year greater than 30000 males are admitted to health facility within the usa with this as a major analysis and with an getting older inhabitants the figures may be anticipated to increase.

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V. (1941). Studies on prostatic cancer. 1. The eHl'ct of castration on serum phosphatases in metastatic carcinoma of the prostate. , 1, 293 45. Franks, L. M. (1960). Estrogen-treated prostatic cancer: the variation in responsiveness of tumor cells. ), 13,490 46. The Natural History of prostatic cancer-a panel discussion. In Proc. 3rd Nat. , Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1957 2 Medical treatlllent of benign prostatic hypertrophy Jack Geller Introduction PREVALENCE OF BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERTROPHY Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) results in clinical symptoms in 65% of males over 60 years of agel.

In pseudohermaphrodites, the structure of the prostate is dependent on the sex of the gonad. If there are ovaries present, the prostate is represented only by the middle and lateral lobes ; when both testes are present, the entire male prostate, including the posterior lobe, surrounds the urethra 35 . These observations indicated that the middle and lateral lobes of the prostate constitute an ambisexual organ, while the posterior lobe is a distinctly male structure. Comparison of the distribution of benign hypertrophy in the prostate further indicates that this disease involves the ambisexual part of the prostate; in other words, that part which is sensitive to both androgens and estrogens.

Path. , 90, 217 36. Armitage, P. and Doll, R. (1957). A two-stage theory of carcinogenesis in relation to the age distribution of human cancer. ]. Cancer, 11, 161 37. Franks, L. M. (1956). ]. Path. , 72,603 38. Doll, R. (1968). The age-distribution of cancer in man. In Thule International Symposia-Cancer and Ageing, p. 15. ) 39. Franks, L. M. (1967). Recent research on prostatic pathology. Path. Annual. Ed. S. C. Sommers. (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts) 40. Nelson, C. M. , Boatman, D. L.

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The Treatment of Prostatic Hypertrophy and Neoplasia by L. M. Franks (auth.), John E. Castro B.Sc., F.R.C.S., F.R.C.S.E., M.S., Ph.D. (eds.)

by Edward

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