The Theory of the state by Johann Caspar Bluntschli PDF

By Johann Caspar Bluntschli

ISBN-10: 1552730409

ISBN-13: 9781552730409

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To the universal empire the particular states are related, as the nations to humanity. Particular states are members of the universal empire and attain in it their completion and their full satisfaction. The purpose of the universal State is not to break up particular states and oppress nations, but better to secure the peace of the former and the freedom of the latter. The highest conception of the State—which however has not yet been realised—is thus: The State is humanity organized, but humanity as masculine, not as feminine: the State is the man.

Quite lately Laurent also has declared himself against the idea of the Universal State (Histoire du droit des gens, i. p. ). His reasons are as follows:— (a) The world-state would be universal monarchy, and this would be incompatible with the sovereignty of states. (b) There is a difference between individuals as natural and nations as artificial persons. The former are defective and are moved by bad passions; the latter are perfect and moral beings. That the former may live together, there is needed the incessant activity of the power of the State; that the latter may live together, this is not needed, or only exceptionally.

In the second half of the fifteenth century the recollection of the classical period awoke more vigorously, and the classical spirit of the Greeks and the Romans was born again (the ‘Renaissance’). The works of ancient art produced a liberating and elevating effect on the Italian artists, in architecture, sculpture, painting, and poetry. The ideas of ancient science were again held in honour, and broke through the bounds set by medieval scholasticism and monastic theology. Humanism rose above the ecclesiastical contempt of the world, and a brighter and more joyous way of looking at life found wide acceptance at courts and in cities.

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The Theory of the state by Johann Caspar Bluntschli

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