Download PDF by Robert Service: The Russian Revolution, 1900-1927 (Studies in European

By Robert Service

ISBN-10: 0391037277

ISBN-13: 9780391037274

This well known, concise and hugely readable learn discusses the major topics and debates concerning the Russian Revolution. Robert Service's vigorous research examines:
• nation and society lower than the Romanovs from 1900
• the February and October Revolutions of 1917
• the ultimate years of the Romanov dynasty and the beginning of the Soviet order
• comparisons with political, social and monetary tendencies in different places within the world
• the level to which the later improvement of the USSR was once conditioned through the October Revolution.

Clear and incisive, the fourth variation has been completely revised and up to date within the gentle of the most recent examine and contours a brand new scene-setting advent and maps. Service's textual content continues to be the basic start line for somebody learning this tumultuous interval within the historical past of Russia and the area within the 20th century.

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Additional info for The Russian Revolution, 1900-1927 (Studies in European History)

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The various mass organisations showed that working people could mobilise themselves with some vigour in protection of their interests. Indeed the monarchy's overthrow had allowed the entire population, from the nobility through to the workers, to join in the 37 democratic enthusiasm. Sectional bodies abounded. Electing, debating and demanding became a regular activity. Governmental power remained frail. Indeed the soviets became a potential alternative government. They held their first national congress in June.

Arable land, apparently, was seized at a more stable rate from May through to October. Mere residence by landowners was treated as resistance. Killings occurred. Violence in general was plentiful; at the peak of the trouble, in July, 481 'disturbances' were reported (39:204). (vii) Mass organisations Land communes at least in most of European Russia, co-ordinated such activity just as factory committees did in the towns. Their impact was some exclusive magical feat of the Bolsheviks. Few villages saw any of the party's agitators, and fewer still had a resident Bolshevik group.

On the other hand, Germany successfully sustained Austria-Hungary's annexation of Bosnia in 1908 despite Serbia's remonstrations. Russia had spoken in Serbia's favour, but the risk of war with Germany intimidated Nikolai II into climbing down. In 1914 he was unwilling to suffer another such humiliation. Probably he would have been goaded into a declaration of war, moreover, even if he had not declared it voluntarily. Conservative and liberal politicians in the Duma were equally alert to questions of national 'honour' and material interest (71: 69).

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The Russian Revolution, 1900-1927 (Studies in European History) by Robert Service

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