By Longchen Rabjam, Richard Barron
ISBN-10: 1881847446
ISBN-13: 9781881847441
The valuable Treasury of Philosophical structures discusses the philosophical tenets of the total spectrum of Buddhist teachings-Hinayana, Mahayana, Vajrayana, and Dzogchen. This sequence contains the volumes written by way of Longchen Rabjam that that, as a gaggle, have emerge as referred to as The seven Treasuries. even though, Longchenpa didn't intend them to be sequence, students ordinarily deal with them as such due to their interrelated issues.
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These schools were the Mulasarvastivadin, the Mahasanghika, the Sthaviravadin, and the Sammatiya. [15a] 3. T h e T h i r d C o u n c i l The third council was convened more than three hundred (actually closer to four hundred) years after the Buddha had passed into nirvana, when five hundred bodhisattvas with the power of complete recall, five hun dred arhats, and sixteen thousand monks gathered in Pushpakuta Park at Jalandhara in Kashmir. King Kanishka was the sponsor. The teachings were recited by Vasumitra, a bodhisattva in his final incarnation, and the great arhat Purnika.
The intermediate cycle comprises teachings that charac terize phenomena as nonexistent in order to put an end to a preoccupa tion with antidotes. The final cycle comprises a variety of teachings that definitively ascertain ultimate truth, revealing how the fundamentally un conditioned nature of being abides. These are the three cycles. c. Acumen If we analyze the Buddha’s words with respect to beings’ levels of acu men, we find that there are the approach of shravakas, that of pratyeka- T H E B U D D H A ’S TEA C H IN G S 31 buddhas, and the unsurpassable approach.
The C h a racteristics of th e B u d d h a ’s W o r d s The characteristics of the Buddha’s words are that they manifest as syl lables, words, and phrases as a result of the governing condition—Bud dhas, the teachers who communicate with enlightened speech—and that they are found in the collections of sutras and tantras. 2. T h e C o n t e n t and Treatment The content is an explication of the three exalted trainings. The presenta tion is communicated with flawless speech. 15 The result is that which is positive in the beginning, middle, and end.
The Precious Treasury of Philosophical Systems (Drupta Dzöd): A Treatise Elucidating the Meaning of the Entire Range of Buddhist Teachings by Longchen Rabjam, Richard Barron
by Richard