P. G. de Gennes, J. Prost's The physics of liquid crystals PDF

By P. G. de Gennes, J. Prost

ISBN-10: 0198520247

ISBN-13: 9780198520245

This re-creation of the vintage textual content contains the various advances in wisdom approximately liquid crystals that experience taken position in view that its preliminary booklet in 1974. completely new chapters describe the categories and houses of liquid crystals when it comes to either lately stumbled on stages and present perception into the character of neighborhood order and isotropic-to-nematic transition. there's an intensive dialogue of the symmetrical, macroscopic, dynamic, and faulty homes of smectics and columnar stages, with emphasis on order-of-magnitude concerns, all illustrated with various descriptions of experimental preparations. the ultimate bankruptcy is dedicated to part transitions in smectics, together with the distinguished analogy among smectic A and superconductors. This new version's topicality and breadth of insurance will make sure that it is still an essential advisor for researchers and graduate scholars in mechanics and engineering, and in chemical, stable kingdom, and statistical physics.

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L. Vincent, P. Soille: IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 13, 583–598 (1991) 40 5. nl/DIPlib/ 40 6. M. Lauridsen, D. Juul Jensen, H. F. Poulsen, U. Lienert: Scr. Mater. 43, 561–566 (2000) 40 7. L. Margulies, T. F. Poulsen, T. Leffers: Acta Mater. 50, 1771– 1779 (2002) 42, 43 8. A. T. G. Windsor: Adv. Phys. 34, 445–473 (1985) 42 9. V. Martins, L. Margulies, S. F. Poulsen, T. Leffers: Mater. Sci. , in press (2004) 43, 44 10. U. Lienert, J. R. -S. Han, T. Leffers, L. F. F. Poulsen, S. , in press (2004) 43, 44 11.

5, reconstruction methods are discussed, aimed at overcoming these shortcomings as well as the overall constraint of nonoverlapping diffraction spots. 2 The Orientation, Elastic Strain and Stoichiometry of a Single Grain With detector configuration B, the CMS of each diffraction spot can be determined to high accuracy with respect to the angles 2θ, η and – depending on ∆ω – also ω. From GRAINDEX, a list of such CMS angles can be generated for all the diffraction spots associated with a given grain.

In this case, sampling is provided by a single ω-scan. Another major advantage is that measurements of macroscopic texture and strain can be performed using exactly the same setup [2, 3]. Hence, simultaneous characterization on several length scales is enabled. 2 Diffraction Geometry The algebra for associating diffraction observations with reciprocal space has been well described for single crystals. The polycrystal case differs by the need for one extra coordinate system, since the sample and the grains are separate objects.

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The physics of liquid crystals by P. G. de Gennes, J. Prost

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