By P. O'Meara
ISBN-10: 0230504604
ISBN-13: 9780230504608
ISBN-10: 0333984552
ISBN-13: 9780333984550
Russia's First Republican is designed to fill a niche within the historiography of the Decembrist circulate. The examine performed in documents and libraries in Russia, the USA, and the united kingdom has resulted in the creation of a entire learn of Pestel, the political activist and ideologue. It includes a reconstruction of his early life, an research of his function within the Decembrist mystery societies from 1816 to 1825, and an review of his ideological contribution to the early nineteenth-century Russian progressive flow. specific realization is paid to his hugely unique venture for a Russian republic, Russian Justice.
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Noticing in him even at that stage the first indications of revolutionary aspirations, Pahlen on one occasion said to him: ‘Listen, young man! If you are hoping to achieve anything by means of a secret society, just forget it. Because if there are twelve of you then the twelfth will inevitably be a traitor! ’14 As Lorer himself bitterly remarked, Pahlen’s prophecy proved to be remarkably accurate: not only was the December uprising in St Petersburg doomed to betrayal, but a few days earlier, Pestel himself was arrested at Tulchin HQ on the word of a traitor.
In it Pestel praises the general’s command of the Second Army and urges him to return from leave to rejoin his troops ‘who even in your great severity have seen only evidence of your fairness and love for the common good. ’42 Military Service 27 Meanwhile, in February 1821, Kiselev wrote to Zakrevskii to complain about promotion procedures generally in the Second Army, protesting specifically about the rejection of Pestel and the failure to promote ‘for excellence 13 deserving officers in an army of one hundred thousand men’.
He reinforced his self-portrait as an aloof and stern commander by claiming always to have treated his officers strictly and seriously, never entering into conversation with them. As for the men, he had always subscribed to the view that they should never speak unless first addressed by an officer, and that officers and men alike should never presume to question his orders. 85 He could not have achieved his transformation of the regiment without the co-operation of his men. He was a diligent officer with exacting standards which he imposed on himself and expected of others.
The Decembrist Pavel Pestel: Russia's First Republican by P. O'Meara
by Brian