By David Norris, Vladislava Ribnikar
ISBN-10: 0071420290
ISBN-13: 9780071420297
Studying Serbian as effortless as 1-2-3 With this e-book, Serbian is possible for any starting scholar. you should use educate your self Serbian whole direction at your personal speed or as a complement to formal classes. this whole path is predicated at the very most modern studying tools and designed to be relaxing and uncomplicated. ready via specialists within the language, educate your self Serbian starts with the fundamentals and steadily promotes you to a degree of gentle and assured verbal exchange, together with: up to date, graded interactive dialogues Graded devices of tradition notes, grammar, and routines step by step consultant to pronunciation useful vocabulary usual and abnormal verb tables lots of perform workouts and solutions Bilingual word list
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Teach Yourself Serbian Complete Course by David Norris, Vladislava Ribnikar
by Thomas