Download e-book for iPad: Spatially Oriented Behavior by Marc Jeannerod (auth.), Alan Hein, Marc Jeannerod (eds.)

By Marc Jeannerod (auth.), Alan Hein, Marc Jeannerod (eds.)

ISBN-10: 1461254884

ISBN-13: 9781461254881

ISBN-10: 1461254906

ISBN-13: 9781461254904

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Extra info for Spatially Oriented Behavior

Example text

Polit Belenkii, V. , Gurfinkel, V. , & Paltsev, E. I. On elements of control of voluntary movements. Biofizica, 1967,12,135-141 (in Russian). , & Zattara, M. Anticipatory muscular activities prior to a movement. Neuroscience Letters, Suppl. 1980,5, S114. , & Swett, J. E. The placing reaction in the standing cat: A model for the study of posture and movement. Experimental Brain Research, 1979,37, 265-281. , & Polit, A. The postural support of movement in cat and dog. Acta Neurobiologial Experimentalis, 1980,40, 741-756.

Marsden, C. , Merton, P. , & Morton, H. B. Anticipatory postural responses in the human subject. Journal of Physiology (London), 1978,275, 47P. Martin, J. P. The basal ganglia and posture. London: Pitman, 1967. Massion, J. Role of motor cortex in postural adjustments associated with movement. In H. Asanuma & V. J. ), Integration in the nervous system. Tokyo: Igaku-Shoin, 1979, pp. 239-260. Nashner, L. , & Cordo, P. J. Coordination of arm movements and associated postural adjustments in standing subjects.

Macpherson, J. Massion, and A. Polit that the two postural patterns can be observed depending on the site of the movement and the way it is elicited. Is there nevertheless preparation of the nondiagonal pattern at the level of the limb that is preparing the movement? In order to examine this question cortical stimulation was delivered to sites on the left and right motor cortex, both of which produce a contralateral fore limb flexion. , provoking a movement of the nonprepared side), the postural adjustment was comparable to that observed during the neutral sessions (Figure 2-9).

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Spatially Oriented Behavior by Marc Jeannerod (auth.), Alan Hein, Marc Jeannerod (eds.)

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