Download PDF by Rosa Luxemburg: Rosa Luxemburg Speaks

By Rosa Luxemburg

ISBN-10: 0873481461

ISBN-13: 9780873481465

Simply weeks earlier than her homicide, Rosa Luxemburg instructed her comrades:
"Today we will heavily set approximately destroying capitalism once
and for all.
"Nay, extra; no longer basically are we this present day capable of practice this
task, no longer only is its functionality an obligation towards the proletariat, but
our resolution bargains the one technique of saving human society from destruction."
Such was once the conviction that guided her life.
To a global simply rising from the holocaust of the 1st global War
her phrases had a pointy immediacy. Fifty years and several other devastating
wars later, the choice she poses - socialism or extermination -
still is still the alternative dealing with humanity.
- From the creation by way of Mary-Alice Waters

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Rosa Luxemburg's Rosa Luxemburg Speaks PDF

Simply weeks ahead of her homicide, Rosa Luxemburg advised her comrades:
"Today we will be able to heavily set approximately destroying capitalism once
and for all.
"Nay, extra; no longer in basic terms are we at the present time capable of practice this
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Expect to attain its aim either as a resulr of the oictodoU8 violence of a minOr ity or through the numerical superion·ty of a majority. ssity -and the compr ehension 0/ that necessity- leading to the suppressioll of capita lism by the work­ ing masses. And this necessity manifests itseU above all in the anarchy of capitalism. What is Bernstein's position on the decisive question of anarchy in capitalist economy? He denies only the great general crises. He does not deny partial and nation al crises.

It now ap­ . �ars In its purest form. The capitalist right to properly reaches s most complete developm It ent in capital held in the shape of shares and industrial credit. So t�at Konrad Schmidt's historic schema, tracing the trans­ form ah n of the capitalist �from a proprietor to a simple adm . in. Istrator, belte s the real historic developm ent. In historic reality on the cont ary, the capitalis t tends to change from a prop . � rieto and administrator to a simp le proprietor. What happens here to Konrad Schmidt, happened to Goethe: � t � � � � ; What is, he sees as in a dream.

In this SOCiety, the representative institutions, democratic In form, are in content the instruments of the interests of the ruling class. This manifests itself in a tangible fashion i n the fact that as soon as democracy shows the tendency to negate its class character and become transformed into an instrument of the real interests of the popu· lation, the democratic forms are sacrificed by the bourgeOisie and by its state representatives. That is why the idea of the conquest of a parliamentary reformist majority is a calculation which, en­ tirely in the spirit of bourgeoiS liberalism, preoccupies itself only with one side- the formal side-of democracy, but does not take into account the other side, its rcal content.

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Rosa Luxemburg Speaks by Rosa Luxemburg

by Mark

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