Steven M. Christensen's Quantum Theory of Gravity: Essays in honor of the 60th PDF

By Steven M. Christensen

ISBN-10: 0852747551

ISBN-13: 9780852747551

The 33 essays during this quantity jointly supply a useful review of the growth in the direction of a thought of quantum gravity, and provide succinct therapy of: quantum box concept in curved space-times, supergravity, cosmology, black holes, quantum geometry, supersymmetry and similar phenomena.

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Surface term. For nucleons at the surface of the nucleus, which are surrounded by fewer nucleons, the above binding energy is reduced. This contribution is proportional to the surface area of the nucleus (R2 or A2/3 ). Coulomb term. The electrical repulsive force acting between the protons in the nucleus further reduces the binding energy. This term is calculated to be 3 Z(Z − 1) α c . 11) ECoulomb = 5 R This is approximately proportional to Z 2 /A1/3 . Asymmetry term. As long as mass numbers are small, nuclei tend to have the same number of protons and neutrons.

The reaction rate for the capture of thermal neutrons by uranium, for example, varies by several orders of magnitude within a small energy range. The reaction rate for scattering of (point-like) neutrinos, which only feel the weak interaction, is much smaller than that for the scattering of (also point-like) electrons which feel the electromagnetic interaction. The shape, strength and range of the interaction potential, and not the geometric forms involved in the scattering process, primarily determine the effective cross-sectional area.

022 MeV, and the remainder is carried off as kinetic energy by the positron and the neutrino. The excited state of 40Ar produced in the electron capture reaction decays by photon emission into its ground state. Lifetimes. The lifetimes τ of β-unstable nuclei vary between a few ms and 1016 years. They strongly depend upon both the energy E which is released (1/τ ∝ E 5 ) and upon the nuclear properties of the mother and daughter nuclei. 9 s [PD98]. 1 A well-known example of a long-lived β-emitter is the nuclide 40 K.

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Quantum Theory of Gravity: Essays in honor of the 60th birthday of Bryce S. DeWitt by Steven M. Christensen

by Brian

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