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By C. G. Jung & R. F. C. Hull & Gerhard Adler

ISBN-10: 0691018138

ISBN-13: 9780691018133

ISBN-10: 0691097704

ISBN-13: 9780691097701

One of crucial of Jung's longer works, and possibly the main well-known of his books, Psychological Types seemed in German in 1921 after a "fallow interval" of 8 years in which Jung had released little. He known as it "the fruit of approximately two decades' paintings within the area of useful psychology," and in his autobiography he wrote: "This paintings sprang initially from my have to outline the ways that my outlook differed from Freud's and Adler's. In trying to resolution this question, I stumbled on the matter of varieties; for it's one's mental style which from the outset determines and boundaries a person's judgment. My publication, consequently, was once an attempt to accommodate the connection of the person to the realm, to humans and issues. It mentioned a few of the features of cognizance, some of the attitudes the wide awake brain may perhaps take towards the area, and hence constitutes a psychology of realization seemed from what will be known as a scientific angle."

In expounding his approach of character kinds Jung relied now not quite a bit on formal case info as at the numerous impressions and studies derived from the therapy of worried health problems, from sex with humans of all social degrees, "friend and foe alike," and from an research of his personal mental nature. The booklet is wealthy in fabric drawn from literature, aesthetics, faith, and philosophy. The prolonged chapters that supply common descriptions of the kinds and definitions of Jung's significant mental suggestions are key files in analytical psychology

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And if we go right back to primitive psychology, we find absolutely no trace of the concept of an individual. Instead of individuality we find only collective relationship or what Lévy-Bruhl calls participation mystique. The collective attitude hinders the recognition and evaluation of a psychology different from the subject’s, because the mind that is collectively oriented is quite incapable of thinking and feeling in any other way than by projection. What we understand by the concept “individual” is a relatively recent acquisition in the history of the human mind and human culture.

He set reason above authority, very unseasonably perhaps but in a way that assured him the acclaim of later centuries. Even the Church Fathers, who were considered to be above discussion, he held as authorities only in so far as the treasures of human reason were contained in their writings. Thus he also held that the Communion was nothing more than a commemoration of that last supper which Jesus celebrated with his disciples, a view in which all reasonable men in every age will concur. Scotus Erigena, clear and humanistic as he was in his thinking, and however little disposed to detract from the significance and value of the sacred ceremony, was not attuned to the spirit of his age and the desires of the world around him, a fact that might, indeed, be inferred from his assassination by his own comrades of the cloister.

If we now pass to the next higher generic concept, “temperature,” we still have no difficulty in perceiving its thingness, which, though it has lost its definiteness for the senses, nevertheless retains the quality of representability that adheres to every sense-perception. If we then ascend to a very much higher generic concept, such as “energy,” its thing-like character quite disappears, and with it, to a certain extent, goes the quality of representability. ” The learned nominalist of our day is quite convinced that energy is nothing but a name, a mere counter in our mental calculus; but in spite of this, in our everyday speech we treat energy as though it were thing-like, thus sowing in our heads the greatest confusion from the standpoint of the theory of knowledge.

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Psychological Types by C. G. Jung & R. F. C. Hull & Gerhard Adler

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