By Stephen J. Lippard
ISBN-10: 0470166401
ISBN-13: 9780470166406
ISBN-10: 0471544892
ISBN-13: 9780471544890
Fresh Advances within the Chemistry of ``d?'' Alkylidene and Metallacyclobutane Complexes (J. Feldman & R. Schrock).
The buildings of Organocuprates and Heteroorganocuprates and comparable Species in resolution and within the good nation (P. Power).
Homogeneous Catalytic Hydrogenation of Carbon Monoxide (R. Klingler & J. Rathke).
Molybdenum Oxygen Chemistry: Oxides, Oxo Complexes, and Polyoxoanions (M. Pope).
The Coordination Chemistry of Thiophenes (T. Rauchfuss).
The Chemistry and Magnetic houses of steel Nitronyl Nitroxide Complexes (A. Caneschi, et al.).
functions of Scanning Tunneling Microscopy to Inorganic Chemistry (X. Wu & C. Lieber).
topic Index.
Cumulative Index, Volumes 1-39.Content:
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0 (1) 30 28b 33 27 27 51 56 48b M-C‘“ Compound I d(CH-t-Bu)(TIPT),(SEt,) 1894 (6) 172 8 (5) I d[C( Me)C(Me)CH-t-Bu](OAr),(py) 1 90 (3) T ~ ( < ’ I I S I M ~ , ) ( C H , S I M ~ ~ ) ( ~ - ~ , ~ - C , H 1~ 89 - ~ -(3) B ~ ~ ) ? (N \rjhlo=CH Reference 12 14 17 t-nu W(CH-r-Bu)(NAr)(O-r-Bu)? )Z(DME) { W[C( C,H,)]( OC11Z-t-Bu),Br2}Z W[C(C,H,)](OCH,-~-BU)~B~? 5 (9) “Angle quoted is Ta-C,-Si. 6 (8)’ and Re-C,-H, = 96 (6)”J. Proton and carbon NMR data for rhenium alkylidene complexes can be found in Table VII.
The R2C=X bond is believed to be cleaved on a single metal in a monoadduct, for example, W(CR2= X)(PPh2Me)&12. An X-ray study of W[C(CH,),](0)(PPh2Me)2C12 shows it to be analogous to previously characterized molecules in this class, that is, the 0x0 and alkylidene ligands are cis to one another and the phosphines are trans to one another. Methylene species formed when SnMe4 is added to WCl,, a "classical" olefin metathesis system, have now been observed by proton and carbon NMR spectroscopy (49).
6 d W C 1 2 Re(CH-t-Bu)(CH2-t-Bu)(N-t-B u)2 w - 2 t-BdWl3C1 - 6 lutidine c c1 L = t-BuNH, The compound [R~(C-~-B~)(CH-~-BU)(NH~-~-BU)C~~]~ is a useful starting material for preparing other neopentylidene-neopentylidyne complexes. Two examples are shown in Eqs. 48 and 49. The X-ray crystal is shown in Fig. 6. As expected. I-t-Bu)12(py)2 A 175' 0 Figure 6 . Re(C:-t-Bu)(CH-t-Hu)Iz(pyridine)z (51). 32 JERALD FELDMAN AND RICHARD R. SCHROCK the neopentylidene and neopentylidyne ligands are mutually cis to one will metathesize another.
Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 39 by Stephen J. Lippard
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