Poems of Jules Laforgue by Jules Laforgue, Peter Dale PDF

By Jules Laforgue, Peter Dale

He is a fantastic poet, a deliverer of nations... a father of light', acknowledged Ezra Pound in 1918 of Jules Laforgue. one of the such a lot leading edge of poets within the French language, Laforgue used to be an enormous impact at the younger T S Eliot. Part-symbolist and part-impressionist, his associative process, speech-rhythms and boldly heterogenous diction make him not just probably the most person of French poets but additionally one of the such a lot unique. remarkable additionally for his early protests for the liberation of girls, Laforgue died in Paris in 1887 elderly simply 27.
In this revised version of his verse translation, Peter Dale (described by way of Donald Davie as a really considerate and enterprising translator') captures the strength and panache of Laforgue's poetry in translations that are via turns as playful, wild, transparent, vague and most unlikely because the French poems.
Peter Dale used to be born in Addleston, Surrey, and labored as a secondary university instructor earlier than turning into a contract author in 1993. He used to be co-editor of the poetry magazine Agenda for a few years. renowned for his translations of Dante's Divine Comedy and the poems of François Villon, he's additionally an entire poet in his personal correct. His chosen poems, Edge to Edge, was once released in 1997.

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Look out! There! I'm getting out ... Bowed toward the Orient's promises, I'll commune, via unconscious kisses. Goon! Sound off, gong of nights! Come in, solid sun! Farewell, aquarium forests, warming gloom, A vez mis ce lcvain dans rna chrysalide! Mais j'ai froid! En avant! Ah! • Vous, Madame, allaitez Ie plus longtemps possible Et du plus Seul de vous ce pauvrc enfant-terrible. 32 You dropped this yeast into my tight cocoon! But I'm cold! Go on! Ah! rnarnan • • • From your lonely Source, as long as possible, nurse, Madam, this prodigy for better or worse.

Between us two, Girl, either will do. Supported by artistic corrections, Drugs, hairdressers, perfumes, It stuffs itself for a belated defection; And then the cooking resumes In a thousand posthumous infections. Oh! Look at this pair! No. A pitiful affair. But that brief subversive microbe Doesn't matter to the Whole Whose corrosive inundations Drown quickly again for Innocence Those crazy sprouts of cerebration. Nature has only scorn For her last-born. 51 COMPLAINTE DU ROI DE THULE 11 etait un roi de Thule, Immacule, Qui, loin des jupes et des choses, Pleurait sur la m&empsychose Des lys en roses, Et quel palais!

Understand each other beneath the shell. We wanted to bleed the Silence, Shake off the exile of conversation; But no! the ladies have grown sour Estimating rank and station. They pout over there with a capable air. And, under the sky, more than one of us wonders By just what superaesthetic blunders These creatures are adorable. Precisely! ), A souvenir of LOVE, says she. These creatures are adorable! 47 COMPLAINTE DU PAUVRE CORPS HUMAIN L'homme et sa compagne sont serfs De corps, tourbillonnants cloaques Aux mailles de harpes de nerfs Serves de tout et que detraque Un fier repertoire d'attaques.

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Poems of Jules Laforgue by Jules Laforgue, Peter Dale

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