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By Mary Lydon

ISBN-10: 0888640552

ISBN-13: 9780888640550

ISBN-10: 0888640811

ISBN-13: 9780888640819

ISBN-10: 1417591838

ISBN-13: 9781417591831

Carrying out its lively defence of Butor, this bold and lucid examine underlines these traits which stay consistent in his writing, stressing the significance of Butor's revision of genres and his dedication to the didactic and ethical worth of paintings. --French reviews

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Their invention, however, is often truncated by a lack of imagination, which makes it impossible for them to impute to the artist any motives other than those by which they themselves are inspired. Paradoxically, the more capable of invention the critic is, the closer he can come to what really happened, says Butor. To imagine reality itself must be the ultimate challenge. Butor does not condemn the biographical approach to literary criticism per se, but he does condemn the fact that it is not carried far enough.

Gershman and Kernan B. , Collection Litterature, no. 21 (Paris: Juillard, 1964), p. 312. 13. "Butor in Bulgaria: Dichiarazioni sul 'nouveau roman' alia rivista 'Plamak,'" L'Europa Letteraria (28 April 1964), p. 130: Da questo punto di vista il nouveau roman rappresenta un momento contemporaneo, in Francia della grande tradizone del romanzo occidentale. Tale realismo non e limitante... Questo ci porta a parlare del realismo in un altro senso, per quanto stettamente legato al primo: nel nouveau roman francese esiste una volonta di "realismo" nel senso morale della parola come negazione delle illusioni e come sforzo per riuscire a vedere e a mostrare le cose come sono.

Contemporary music, Butor finds, is equipped with instruments whose powers of communication are extraordinary, and he regards it as a sign of great progress that popular forms such as jazz are now being absorbed. Music is no more a luxury than poetry or painting, Butor concludes, but is indispensable to our lives and to the lives of all (R2 41). "La Musique, art realiste" is interesting from several points of view. It provides evidence of the wide range of Butor's criticism, which does not confine itself to literature but is concerned with all the arts, while it exemplifies Butor's conviction that all art is meaningful and will yield to intelligent exegesis.

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Perpetuum Mobile: A Study of the Novels and Aesthetics of Michel Butor by Mary Lydon

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