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By Søren Kierkegaard

Kierkegaard, a quien a veces se ha tachado de misógino, tenía una concepción elevada del alma femenina. En estos textos, con un trasfondo de crítica social, el filósofo de l. a. angustia nos brinda un fino análisis estético de l. a. aflicción a través de diversas figuras femeninas (una Antígona moderna, María Beaumarchais, Doña Elvira y Margarita).

A lo largo de l. a. historia, algunos libros han cambiado el mundo. Han transformado los angeles manera en que nos vemos a nosotros mismos y a los demás. Han inspirado el debate, los angeles discordia, l. a. guerra y los angeles revolución. Han iluminado, indignado, provocado y consolado. Han enriquecido vidas, y también las han destruido. Taurus publica las obras de los grandes pensadores, pioneros, radicales y visionarios cuyas principles sacudieron l. a. civilización y nos impulsaron a ser quienes somos.

La crítica ha dicho sobre los angeles colección «Great Ideas»...
«Un fenómeno editorial.»
The dad or mum

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""Passionate Being takes the 'art of writing' to a brand new size and is important analyzing for all those that search an immersive event with language and the realm. ’"" -- Anne Tallentire, Professor of good artwork, primary St Martins collage of paintings and Design

About the Author

Yve Lomax is Professor in paintings Writing at Goldsmiths collage and examine show for high-quality Art/Photography on the Royal university of artwork. Yve Lomax's books Writing the picture: An experience with artwork and thought and Sounding the development: Escapades in discussion & concerns of artwork, Nature & Time have been released via I. B. Tauris in respectively 2000 and 2004.

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Although one is translational, nothing in T specifies which one. Since knowledge of a theory known to be translational doesn’t allow one to separate translational from nontranslational theorems, it doesn’t suffice for understanding L. The natural response is to add a definition of canonical theorem to truth theories, picking out, for each S, a unique theorem CT as translational. However, it is doubtful that even this would provide the needed justification. Once this information is added, knowledge of T allows one to identify a claim that pairs S with its content.

These terms pose two main problems for Frege. First, although their meanings don’t change from one use to another, their referents do—thereby challenging the joint identification of linguistic meaning with Fregean sense, and Fregean sense with that which determines reference. Second, attitude ascriptions with indexicals in their complement clauses can be used to make the same sort of case against Fregean transparency made by (10). ” Although she speaks truly, the attitudes she attributes to the ancients are inconsistent, without being recognizable by them as such.

A new speaker who assigned English sentences the same interpretations they do, but used a different method for translating into Mentalese, would still speak English. Thus, Davidson’s semantic program can’t be saved by psychologizing it. 22 Although there is much to be learned from its application of the techniques of philosophical logic to natural language, there are, as yet, no grounds for taking the resulting truth theories to be theories of meaning. Selected Further Reading Carnap, Rudolf (1947), Meaning and Necessity.

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Pasión femenina by Søren Kierkegaard

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