Read e-book online Operational Freight Carrier Planning Basic Concepts PDF

By Jörn Schönberger

ISBN-10: 3540002227

ISBN-13: 9783540002222

ISBN-10: 3540253181

ISBN-13: 9783540253181

This ebook represents the compilation of a number of study methods on opera­ tional freight service making plans conducted on the Chair of Logistics, college of Bremen. It took approximately 3 years from the 1st rules to the ultimate model, now on your fingers. in this time, numerous individuals helped me for all time to maintain on going and to re-start whilst I acquired caught in a useless finish or while i couldn't see the wooden for the bushes. i'm deeply indebted to them for his or her encouragement and reviews. Prof. Dr. Herbert Kopfer, holder of the Chair of Logistics, brought me into the sector of operational shipping making plans. He encouraged and supervised me. additionally, he supported me continuously and allowed me to be as loose as attainable in my learn and inspired me to be as artistic as invaluable. moreover, i need to thank Prof. Dr. Hans-Dietrich Haasis, Prof. Dr. Martin G. Mohrle and Prof. Dr. Thorsten Poddig. On behalf of all my colleagues, who supported me in several methods, i must say thanks to Prof. Dr. Dirk C. Mattfeld, Prof. Dr. Christian Bierwirth, Henner Gratz, Prof. Dr. Elmar Erkens, Nadja Shigo and Katrin Dorow. all of them helped me inspite of my so much vague and doubtful difficulties. My kinfolk supported me forever. They regularly confirmed me their belief and inspired me consistently. distinctive thank you are devoted to my mom and dad Monika and Heinz-Jiirgen.

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Frames) with certain properties called attributes. , the same attribute name) may be associated with different range and value restrictions when defined for different classes. In the following I will discuss two frame-oriented approaches: Ontolingua (cf. , 1995]. Ontolingua9 was designed to support the design and specification of ontologies with a clear logical semantics based on KIF. 10 The set of KIF expressions that Ontolingua allows is defined in an ontology called the Frame Ontology. ). Ontolingua definitions are Lisp-style forms that as-sociate a symbol with an argument list, a documentation string, and a set of KIF sentences labeled by keywords.

3 Ontology Languages 31 and microtheories that define a context for the truth of formulas. ). ). 6 The following categorical features are essential to the design of KIF. • The language has declarative semantics. • The language is logically comprehensive—at its most general it provides for the expression of arbitrary logical sentences. In this way, it differs from relational database languages (like SQL) and logic programming languages (like Prolog). • The language provides a means for the representation of knowledge about knowledge.

A method expression can be either a data expression or a signature expression. O is a term denoting an object (which may refer to an instance or a class). “a” further specifies properties of this object. ,Qk deliver the value T. They can be either single-valued or may return a set. , attributes) to object. ,Ar. F-formulae are built of simpler F-formulae in the usual manner by means of logical connectives and quantifiers. , classes) into a logical framework. The main difference between Ontolingua and Frame logic is the manner in which they realize frame-based modeling primitives in a logical language.

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Operational Freight Carrier Planning Basic Concepts Optimization Models and Advanced Memetic Algorithms by Jörn Schönberger

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