Download PDF by Duncan C. Blanchard (auth.), Edward C. Monahan, Gearóid Mac: Oceanic Whitecaps: And Their Role in Air-Sea Exchange

By Duncan C. Blanchard (auth.), Edward C. Monahan, Gearóid Mac Niocaill (eds.)

ISBN-10: 902772251X

ISBN-13: 9789027722515

ISBN-10: 9400946686

ISBN-13: 9789400946682

ISBN-10: 9401085757

ISBN-13: 9789401085755

`...well listed and features a very important supplementary bibliography. It presents an outstanding resource of references for meteorology and oceanography scholars and researchers who're concerned with the stories on air-sea alternate and on small-scale actual and psychochemical strategies close to the surface.'

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Extra info for Oceanic Whitecaps: And Their Role in Air-Sea Exchange Processes

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151-178. Uhlenbeck, G. E. 1943. Theory of random process. 1. T. Radiation Lab. Rep. 454, October 1943. Watson, G. N. 1958. Theory of Bessel Functions. 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press, 804pp. Wilson, J. R. and Baird, W. F. 1972. A discussion of some measured wave data. Proc. 13th Int. Conf. on Coastal Eng. pp. 113-130. vo can be used widely as a parameter to describe the overall conditions of airsea boundary processes, where u* is the friction velo· city of air, vis the kinematic viscosity of air anda is the spectral peak frequency of the wind waves.

81,320-322. , ]. Conway, D. B. Ross & T. ]. Atmos. , 28. 429-435. Okuda, K. (1982): Internal flow structure of short wind waves. Part I. ]. Oceanogr. Soc. Japan, 38, 28-42. , S. Kawai & Y. }. Oceanogr. }apan, 33, 190-198. Phillips, O. M. & M. L. ]. , 66,625-640. Ross, D. B. ]. Geophys. , 79, 444-452. ,M. Bergin,P. ]. , 124,45-72. The SWAMP group (1983): Sea wave modelling project (SWAMP) Part 1. Proc. IUCRM Symp. on Wave Dy· namics and Radio Probing of the Ocean Surface, May 13-20, I 981,Miami Beach (in press).

Met. , 81,320-322. , ]. Conway, D. B. Ross & T. ]. Atmos. , 28. 429-435. Okuda, K. (1982): Internal flow structure of short wind waves. Part I. ]. Oceanogr. Soc. Japan, 38, 28-42. , S. Kawai & Y. }. Oceanogr. }apan, 33, 190-198. Phillips, O. M. & M. L. ]. , 66,625-640. Ross, D. B. ]. Geophys. , 79, 444-452. ,M. Bergin,P. ]. , 124,45-72. The SWAMP group (1983): Sea wave modelling project (SWAMP) Part 1. Proc. IUCRM Symp. on Wave Dy· namics and Radio Probing of the Ocean Surface, May 13-20, I 981,Miami Beach (in press).

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Oceanic Whitecaps: And Their Role in Air-Sea Exchange Processes by Duncan C. Blanchard (auth.), Edward C. Monahan, Gearóid Mac Niocaill (eds.)

by Ronald

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