By Author Unknown
ISBN-10: 0080859976
ISBN-13: 9780080859972
ISBN-10: 0124759556
ISBN-13: 9780124759558
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226 O. 6 TRANSMITTING AND RECEIVING CHARACTERISTICS OF THIN CYLINDRICAL DIPOLES kOh Y, millimhos Z, ohms at>. 459 - j1. 8 91. 6 571. 0 755. 670 1. 706 1. 741 1. 738 j 1. 27 11. 6 j338. 72 11. 335 1. 6 TRANSMITTING AND RECEIVING CHARACTERISTICS OF THIN CYLINDRICAL DIPOLES kOh Y. millimhos Z. ohms a/}.. 711 1. 286 2. 949 j 1. 386 j 1. 405 j3. 6 j411. 1 105. 3 j 310. 9 + 746. 228 j 3. 121 a/}.. 7 15 • 8 21. 9 - j305. 1 j 176. 255 o. 002 j O. 145 1. 305 1. 272 j O. 675 1. 715 1. 754 1. 6 TRANSMITTING AND RECEIVING CHARACTERISTICS OF THIN CYLINDRICAL DIPOLES kOh Y.
Mi11imhos Z. 084 j 3. 3 j 278. 5 j 398. 7 j 546. 001232 49 50 Section 2: Characteristics of Cylindrical Dipoles and Monopoles d. 6 but provides the normalized admittances of dipoles in dissipative and dielectric media in addition to those in air. The numerical values have been computed from a formula derived by WU 12 ,13 which is based on the Wiener-Hopftechnique. It becomes increasingly accurate as the antenna is made longer but is somewhat inaccurate for antennas shorter than a wavelength. The values tabulated are idealized in the sense that a term which is responsible for the rapid rise of the current to infinity at the driving point of the assumed delta-function generator has been subtracted.
150 1. 676 1. 008456 1. 248 1. 711 - j 1. 7 j 33. 6 TRANSMITTING AND RECEIVING CHARACTERISTICS OF THIN CYLINDRICAL DIPOLES kOh Y, mlllimhos Z, ohms kOhe D aI').. Om. 319 j 5. 186 j 3. 0 j 7. 708 1. 745 1. 176 1. 457 1. 082 j1. 8 j 388. 9 j 319. 004 - j 1. 6 TRANSMITTING AND RECEIVING CHARACTERISTICS OF THIN CYLINDRICAL DIPOLES kOh Y. mi11imhos Z. 695 1. 728 1. 4 521. 0 + + + + + j 324. 4 1. 695 1. 1 1281. 2 j 715. 121 j1. 9 661. 7 -1. 832 - j 3. 546 j1. 8 - j561. 0 -1. 721 -1. 427 -1. 346 - j 1.
Methods of Experimental Physics - Quantum electronics part B by Author Unknown
by Christopher