By Robin M Roos
ISBN-10: 0321123808
ISBN-13: 9780321123800
Read Online or Download Java data objects : Acompanying CD-ROM includes the following JDO implementations: FastObjects, Kodo JDO, LiDO and OpenFusion JDO PDF
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Extra info for Java data objects : Acompanying CD-ROM includes the following JDO implementations: FastObjects, Kodo JDO, LiDO and OpenFusion JDO
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Each call to the iterator’s next() method returns the next object in the extent; in this case the next BusinessPartner object. toString() method. JDO vendors should provide Iterator implementations that handle large volumes of data in an efficient manner. However, extents provide no filtering facilities; an extent is always the entire extent. The JDO Query Language provides comprehensive query facilities that we will cover in Chapter 8. Since this application does process every persistent instance, using the extent is appropriate and illustrates that BusinessPartner objects are indeed being correctly persisted to the data store.
The persistent fields that are part of the primary key must now be explicitly listed. Any unlisted fields will be made persistent or not according to the defaults mentioned in Chapter 2. 3 Non-durable JDO identity Non-durable JDO identity is used for persistent objects where it is meaningless to try to distinguish one from another. Since the determination and creation of a data store key can be a resource-intensive operation, non-durable JDO identity is most often used to support the rapid persistence of new instances.
The term JDO instance is used to describe any instance of a Java language class which implements the PersistenceCapable interface which the implementation is capable of managing. Some implementations, largely dictated by the underlying data store, require storage areas to be explicitly defined for each class before that class can be managed. This is more typical of object-relational mapping implementations (with an underlying relational database) than of object databases. 3 JDO environments JDO is intended for use in two specific architectural spaces.
Java data objects : Acompanying CD-ROM includes the following JDO implementations: FastObjects, Kodo JDO, LiDO and OpenFusion JDO by Robin M Roos
by Brian