By John Dunlosky, Robert A. Bjork
ISBN-10: 0805862145
ISBN-13: 9780805862140
This guide examines the interaction among metamemory and reminiscence. each one contributor discusses state of the art thought and learn that, not directly, showcases the symbiotic courting among metamemory and reminiscence. jointly, those chapters help a relevant thesis, that is whole figuring out of both metamemory or reminiscence isn't really attainable with out realizing their mutual impression. the muse for this quantity was once the lifestyles and study of Thomas O. Nelson, whose pioneering and influential learn within the fields of metamemory and reminiscence continuously highlighted their built-in nature.
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Applied metacognition. New York: Cambridge University Press. indb 27 4/24/08 9:28:05 AM 28 John Dunlosky and Robert A. Bjork Reder, L. , & Schunn, C. D. (1996). Metacognition does not imply awareness: Strategy choice is governed by implicit learning and memory. In L. M. ), Implicit memory and metacognition (pp. 79–122). Hillsdale, NJ: LEA. , & Bjork, R. A. (1988). Measures of memory. Annual Review of Psychology, 39, 475–543. Robinson, D. N. (1989). Aristotle’s psychology. New York: Columbia University Press.
Indeed, the entire brain can be thought of as a giant feedback system, with virtually every pathway having both feedforward and feedback connections and multiple connections among different brain regions serving to allow the outcomes of one kind of processing to modulate other processes. So, if monitoring and feedback were all that was meant by metacognition, it would be pervasive, and there would be no question at all that most other animals also use such feedback. But, it is not simple feedback from one level interacting with processing at another that, alone, characterizes metacognition.
Handbook of Metamemory and Memory by John Dunlosky, Robert A. Bjork
by Jason