Download PDF by Avron Barr: Handbook of Artificial Intelligence,

By Avron Barr

ISBN-10: 0865760055

ISBN-13: 9780865760059

ISBN-10: 0865760896

ISBN-13: 9780865760899

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The evidence is the detailed character of Faraday’s notebooks, which Tweney treats as an elaborate mnemonic for retrieving knowledge that Faraday already possessed. However, the alternative viewpoint would suggest that Faraday constructs his knowledge of electromagnetism de novo in the course of interacting with the notebooks. ” It may or may not be the case that a computer can model that system, but if it can, it may well be modeling a knowledge base that extends beyond the cognitive capacity of a single human being.

But here are some rules of thumb. “Science” tends to be the name given to the activity to which the other five terms pertain to the greatest extent, usually as determined by today’s philosophically informed historian. In practice, this means that physics is virtually everyone’s paradigm case of a science. “Rationality” and “truth” are more often described in functional terms than in truly substantive ones. ” To say anything more substantive would be to open the Pandora’s box of positions in the philosophy of science.

Trained as a behaviorist, Campbell sees the main normative problems facing the naturalized epistemologist as the construction of environments that select for features of hypotheses that are well-adapted to the nature of reality. , the analogue between genetic variation and hypothesis generation) to a “vicarious selection” process, whereby the scientific organism runs through in its mind the likely fates that various hypotheses would face if they were to be openly proposed. Among philosophers of science, Stephen Toulmin’s (1972) Human Understanding and David Hull’s (1988) Science as a Process provide an instructive contrast in how the evolutionary model can be deployed.

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Handbook of Artificial Intelligence, by Avron Barr

by Michael

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