Growth Processes and Surface Phase Equilibria in Molecular - download pdf or read online

By Nikolai N. Ledentsov

ISBN-10: 354048955X

ISBN-13: 9783540489559

The e-book considers the most growth-related phenomena taking place in the course of epitaxial development, similar to thermal etching, doping, segregation of the most components and impurities, coexistence of a number of stages on the crystal floor and segregation-enhanced diffusion.
It is entire with tables, graphs and figures, which enable quick selection of compatible development parameters for useful applications.

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Furthermore, the appearance of an impurity segregation layer must lead to the surface solidphase layer enrichment with impurity atoms with respect to the bulk (similar to the difference in surface and bulk compositions for the G~A1 AlxGal_xAs case). 59) To understand the changes that can be introduced by impurities (or surfactants) in the basic features of epitaxial growth, we shall now consider in more detail the Sn surface segregation in the presence of a Ga segregation layer. The doping of AlxGal_xAs grown under Ga surface-segregation conditions with Sn ([Sns] ~ 1019 cm -3) should result in a variation of the composition of the surface "floating" layer from almost pure Ga to Ga-Sn melt enriched with Sn.

And it is important to note that the concentration of these impurities in the epitaxial layer for the same substrate temperature and excess arsenic pressure depends on the free carrier concentration in the epitaxial film: incorporation of carbon acceptors proceeds more effectively in epilayers intentionally doped with donor atoms. e. GaAs/n-type A1GaAs) interfaces. At substrate temperatures above approximately 550 ~ examples of impurities of the first type are Mg [137] and Mn [66] in GaAs, and S, Se and Te in GaAs and InP.

9 % . 0 ,9 ".. %.. 9 "% " % ', 9 % . 5 104ITs (K) F i g . 9. Results obtained experimentally [33] for the minimum possible arsenic beam equivalent pressure corresponding to the transition from As- to Ga-stabiHzed conditions for undoped GaAs grown by MBE (dotted hne). 1~lm/h and 0 , 7 p m / h (sohd lines). Comparison of theoretically predicted (shaded regwns) and experimentally obtained results [3] (sohd and open circles for rough and good morphology, respectwely) are given. The arsenic beam equivalent pressure for the layers grown at 600 ~ is believed to be equal to 10 - 6 Torr.

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Growth Processes and Surface Phase Equilibria in Molecular Beam Epitaxy by Nikolai N. Ledentsov

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