By Paul J. Szaniszlo (auth.), Paul J. Szaniszlo, James L. Harris (eds.)
ISBN-10: 1468449826
ISBN-13: 9781468449822
ISBN-10: 1468449842
ISBN-13: 9781468449846
The tendency of fungi pathogenic for people to have shapes in tissue precise from their traditional saprophytic morphologies has interested the pathologist and clinical mycologist for nearly a century. a main rea son for this fascination is the chance that fungal duality of shape, or dimorphism, can be an incredible virulence issue that enables the zoo pathogenic fungus to outlive host defenses. A moment cause pertains to the need to achieve simple insights into the law of mobile increase ment and morphogenesis one of the etiological brokers of human mycoses. many fantastic treatises have seemed in the fresh prior facing fungal dimorphism. in spite of the fact that, it really is changing into more and more transparent that it can be past the potential of 1 or a number of authors to study this topic competently. as a substitute, the ever-increasing quantity ofliterature asso ciated with fungal dimorphism and the range offungi now famous to show a kind of dimorphism recommend quantity constituted of con tributions by means of a number of researchers could be extra applicable. This in keeping with ception supplied me with the inducement to bring together a multiauthor volume.
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Several mitochondria may be observed in a given plane of section. They are usually elongate, with the cristae parallel to the long axis. Fungal mitochondria do not differ significantly in substructure from those observed in higher eukaryotic cells. Vacuoles occur in the cytoplasm and are especially common in older cells. They may contain unorganized amorphous materials. Vacuoles of the pathogenic dimorphic fungi seem to possess lysosomal-like functions, since certain lysosomal marker enzymes have been demonstrated cytochemically to be localized within (Garrison and Tally, 1981).
The wall is described as varying from a structureless material of low electron opacity, through a gradually increasing number of fibrils, to a densely packed, radially oriented, peripheral layer of increased electron opacity (G. A. Edwards and M. R. Edwards, 1960). The tubercles are of uniform and often increased electron opacity, are finely fibrillar in substructure, and arise as direct extensions of the outer zone of the wall proper. The wall and its tubercles are of low PAT Agstaining reactivity (Garrison and Mirikitani, 1981).
Marked cellular degeneration and death of young hyphal cells occurs within 18-24 hr of incubation in an enriched liquid medium at 3rc. For most cells, such cultures represent a hostile environment. It seems that under these particular cultural conditions, only a few cells may be physiologically capable of initiating phase transition. Ifindeed this is more or less an isolated event, then its subsequent detection in thin section becomes technically difficult. Observations of transition by hyphal-cell inocula using scanning electron microscopy have the advantage of visualizing much larger samples.
Fungal Dimorphism: With Emphasis on Fungi Pathogenic for Humans by Paul J. Szaniszlo (auth.), Paul J. Szaniszlo, James L. Harris (eds.)
by Kenneth