By Don Ross, Visit Amazon's David Spurrett Page, search results, Learn about Author Central, David Spurrett, , Harold Kincaid, G. Lynn Stephens
ISBN-10: 0262182610
ISBN-13: 9780262182614
ISBN-10: 1429492422
ISBN-13: 9781429492423
Philosophers and behavioral scientists talk about what, if something, of the conventional notion of person wakeful will can live on contemporary medical discoveries that human decision-making is shipped throughout various mind techniques and during the social setting.
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Claiming authorship for items that are not one’s own is a risky business, bringing social opprobrium or worse when it is discovered. And these examples are just today’s top stories. The fact is that the accounting of who has done what is a central task of every human system, the foundation of justice and morality. Our tendency even to name or think about actions seems to arise from our need to figure out who did what (Feinberg 1970). The elements of social exchange that allow us to function as a society would be upended immediately if we weren’t all keeping track at all times, at least at some level, of who does everything.
Slips in accounting can destroy our system of interaction; we become concerned when authorship is confused. It bothers us when a person with schizophrenia claims to hear inner ‘‘voices’’ from others, as we know there is a lapse in appreciating authorship (Graham and Stephens 1994; Hoffmann 1986). We find ourselves getting nervous when someone such as President George W. Bush claims that God is the author of his actions (Suskind 2004). People who claim too little authorship for self, like the plagiarists who claim too much, upset our sense of justice and threaten to undo our society (Homans 1961).
Apparently the person who is leading or following another’s pointer movement with his or her own gaze experiences the same relative changes in authorship as the person leading or following with the pointer; watching ahead of someone’s action makes you feel more the author of your eye movements than watching behind it. The Puzzle of Coaction 27 We also wondered whether these effects were due to the participant’s awareness that the experimenter could perceive their relative position—or if this effect might also occur in participants who were working with an experimenter who could not see their relative position.
Distributed Cognition and the Will: Individual Volition and Social Context (Bradford Books) by Don Ross, Visit Amazon's David Spurrett Page, search results, Learn about Author Central, David Spurrett, , Harold Kincaid, G. Lynn Stephens
by Anthony