Download PDF by Paula Holmes-Eber: Daughters of Tunis: Women, Family, and Networks in a Muslim

By Paula Holmes-Eber

ISBN-10: 0813339448

ISBN-13: 9780813339443

Daughters of Tunis is an leading edge ethnography that conscientiously weaves the phrases and intimate, own tales of 4 Tunisian girls and their households with a statistical research of women's survival suggestions in a quickly urbanizing, industrializing Muslim kingdom. Delineating 3 specific community recommendations, Holmes-Eber demonstrates the “public” position of neighborhoods as casual social protection structures, and the effect of women's schooling, type and migration on women's assets and networks. an attractive, hot, and routinely funny portrait of Muslim women's responses to improvement, Daughters of Tunis is an exhilarating new method of ethnography: merging the traditionally disparate tools of either qualitative and quantitative analysis.

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I call this the contraction of ­perspective. This term was chosen because it is a movement from a wider more inclusive position to a narrower one with fewer options. Contraction of perspective may take place under conditions of monotony, reduced variation, or the absence of contrasting alternatives.  314–315) Hundeide is very conscious of the difference between problem and ­context. He also recognizes a specific type of problems, namely, conflicts or contradictions, as the source of expansive recontextualization.

The first type of data consists of theories and theoretical propositions pertaining to human learning and expansion. This type of data has the dominant role in the present work. In the selection and presentation of this data, I am following certain structural steps or stages of argumentation. First of all, in each chapter (except Chapter 5, which is actually a methodological postscript), the construction of categories begins with an identification and characterization of the most advanced state of theorizing within the currently dominant paradigm.

The large section on the cultural evolution of human learning is divided into three subsections. The first one is a systematic reconstruction of the historical development of learning within schooling. In this subsection, I rely on data on the development of literacy and schooling, presented by such researchers as Fichtner, Ong, Scribner & Cole, and others. The second subsection is a reconstruction of the development of learning within work, this time restricted to the era of capitalism. This section begins with the data provided by Marx in Capital, then goes on to discuss the effects of Taylorist rationalization, countering Braverman’s linear deskilling thesis with a case provided by Hirschhorn.

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Daughters of Tunis: Women, Family, and Networks in a Muslim City (Westview Case Studies in Anthropology) by Paula Holmes-Eber

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