By Reinhard Achenbach, Eckart Otto
ISBN-10: 3525530706
ISBN-13: 9783525530702
The survey at the relation of Deuteronomy among the Pentateuch and the books Josua - Kings is taking over the particular dialogue.
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Additional info for Das Deuteronomium zwischen Pentateuch und Deuteronomistischem Geschichtswerk (Forschungen zur Religion und Literatur des Alten und Neuen Testaments)
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Iterary layers of Deuter,onomy with those of DtrH, whether one favors a layer-model or a block-model of the latter42• Any literary historyof the Pentateuch should solve the problems, 1. that Deuteronomy shows strang literary links to the Tetrateuch on the one side and to the book of Joshua but not to I Samuel - 2 Kings on the other side, 2. that there is no P ioD hut blocks of post-P-material not only in the frame (Dm 4; 31-34 43 )but also in the legal corpus (e. g. Dtn 23,2-944 ) of Deuteronomy.
S6 For the hypothesis of 8 "Persian imperial authorization" of the torah cf. P. l K. : Die persische Reichsautorisation. Ein überblick, ZAR 1 () 995) 1-35. The discussion of this hypothesis proved, that it is without any historical basis; cf. E. Otto: Pentateuchredaktion (n. 32)t 66-70; G. Ahn: Israel und Persien~ in: RGG4 IV. TObingen 2001, 309-311; L. Fried: UYou Shall Appoint Judges u : Ezra's Mission and the Rescript of Artaxerxes, in: J. W. ), Persia and Torah. N. , Joc. L. Ska: uPersian Imperial Authorization": Some Question Marks, loc.
Veijola (Die Deuteronomisten als Vorgänger der Schriftge· lehnen. , Moses Erben. , when the Zadokite priests were "secularized" by hellenistic influence and no longer able Uto fulfi I the task of scribal interpretation of the holy texts" (see M. l H. s), Schriftauslegung im antiken Judentum und im Urchristentum, WUNT In3, )-71) into the exilic period. For the priestly roots of the prOlOrabbinie halacha in the Hebrew Bible cf. also G. Boccaccini: Roots of Rabbinie Judaism. ) 2002. As scribal families like the Shafan-family were of Zadokite origin (cf.
Das Deuteronomium zwischen Pentateuch und Deuteronomistischem Geschichtswerk (Forschungen zur Religion und Literatur des Alten und Neuen Testaments) by Reinhard Achenbach, Eckart Otto
by Kenneth