Download PDF by Douglas D. Richman, Richard J. Whitley, Frederick G. Hayden: Clinical virology

By Douglas D. Richman, Richard J. Whitley, Frederick G. Hayden

ISBN-10: 1555814255

ISBN-13: 9781555814250

Informs scientists and wellbeing and fitness care execs approximately the entire medically suitable elements of this speedily evolving box.

  • Covers novel viruses, pathogenesis, epidemiology, prognosis, therapy, and prevention.
  • Addresses infections and syndromes regarding specific organ structures, in addition to the basics of contemporary clinical virology.
  • Includes an important info on immune responses and vaccinology, diagnostics, antivirals, and the nascent box of gene treatment.
  • Provides agent-specific chapters that aspect the virology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, medical manifestations, and prevention and remedy of vital viral pathogens.

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Download e-book for kindle: Clinical virology by Douglas D. Richman, Richard J. Whitley, Frederick G. Hayden

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24 ■ VIRAL SYNDROMES AND GENERAL PRINCIPLES 40. Forni, A. , N. W. Schluger, and R. B. Roberts. 1994. Severe measles pneumonitis in adults: evaluation of clinical characteristics and therapy with intravenous ribavirin. Clin. Infect. Dis. 19:454–462. 41. Foy, H. , M. K. Cooney, A. J. Maletzky, and J. T. Grayston. 1973.

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Clinical virology by Douglas D. Richman, Richard J. Whitley, Frederick G. Hayden

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