Download e-book for kindle: Chinatown (BFI Film Classics) by Michael Eaton

By Michael Eaton

ISBN-10: 0851705324

ISBN-13: 9780851705323

This research analyzes Chinatown within the context of the determine of the detective in literature and picture from Sophocles to Edgar Allan Poe and Alfred Hitchcock.

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Krippendorf, 1987: 38) In contrast to this, there are holidaymakers who consider the brash and colourful seaside holiday to be the true, authentic holiday. Musician and outspoken upholder of working-class values, Mark E. Smith, for example, outlines the contrasts between Brighton and Blackpool, and suggests that the former has been spoiled by becoming an expensive commuter town for London: Blackpool, on the other hand, that’s a great place to spend a holiday. There’s no cultural elitism there, thank fuck.

Rather, the implication is that anything the south can do, Blackpool can do better, bigger and with more style. This would suggest that Bennett considers the seaside more as an area that can exist alongside the centre as an alternative space. The holiday and national identity Images of the British seaside are bound by national identity. When someone refers to a ‘traditional British holiday’ it is taken for granted that others will understand immediately what they are talking about, without giving it much thought or analysis.

Up to the minute forms of popular entertainment’ (Bennett, 1986: 142). The regional spirit he paints of Lancashire as being ‘no-nonsense, downto-earth’ and ‘constructed in opposition to the all-talk, no action pretensions of the South’ is reminiscent of the ethos constructed in the music and film of northern entertainers such as Gracie Fields, and particularly in the spirit of the film Sing As We Go, which uses the locations of industrial Lancashire and Blackpool to such great effect (Bennett, 1986: 135).

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Chinatown (BFI Film Classics) by Michael Eaton

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