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The Agency has substantial experience in the application of its safety approaches to remediation of former uranium and thorium mining and milling as well as at some nuclear weapons test sites; this experience could be useful for Chernobyl-related projects. Concerning the radiation safety of the general public residing in contaminated areas, the Agency cooperates with the three most affected countries in the frame of a regional technical cooperation project that covers both countermeasure strategies and monitoring of human exposure in rural areas affected by the Chernobyl accident.

Experience in treating the highly exposed workers could also be described in the 1988 UNSCEAR report. In 1990 and 1991, the IAEA conducted the International Chernobyl Project, in which scientists from many countries who were experts on environmental and health aspects of radiation met with their counterparts in the Soviet Union to compare methods of evaluating radiation exposures and to conduct an extensive screening of health effects in the exposed population. This was an ambitious and highly successful project from the scientific point of view.

To contribute to better understanding of these issues and more effective management of the limited resources that can or must continue to be directed at the recovery process, the Chernobyl Forum was established as an initiative of the IAEA and sponsored by a number of international organizations. The Chernobyl Forum has involved representatives of the Governments of the affected region, who have been dealing with the social and economic aspects of the accident, and scientists who have experience in evaluating the health and environmental aspects of the accident.

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Chernobyl. Looking back to go forward.

by Daniel

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