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By Ron Charles McKinnon

ISBN-10: 1420032666

ISBN-13: 9781420032666

ISBN-10: 1566705231

ISBN-13: 9781566705233

Coincidence: an undesired occasion that leads to loss. most folk supply little notion to injuries or their prevention. wellbeing and fitness and defense pros face this problem, and its linked charges and losses, either human and fiscal, on a daily basis. reason, impression, and keep watch over of unintended Loss with coincidence research package offers the instruments you wish for twist of fate prevention within the office and through off-site corporation actions.

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Example text

To eliminate this (basic cause) the fork truck should be repaired. 20) Example 1 During the investigation of an accident that resulted in injury, the technique of basic cause analysis was applied. Seven unsafe conditions were identified as well as five unsafe acts. In sitting with the team and by using brainstorming techniques, a basic cause analysis indicated that there were some 13 basic causes that had led to the unsafe conditions and unsafe acts. Example 2 Basic causes create unsafe acts and unsafe conditions.

Control steps to prevent recurrence: By Whom: Date to Be Completed 1. John will fix the machine guard Jonnie Johnson 1/3/99 2. A risk assessment will be done on the Burmaker machine Al Trios and team 4/4/00 3. Committee to review the standards Safety Committee 2/3/99 4. 3 - Action steps to prevent a recurrence: a standard of accountability. Responsibility, Authority and Accountability There is often confusion about responsibility, authority, and accountability and it is opportune to define these concepts here: Safety responsibility is the safety function allocated to a post or position.

It has often been said that if you put a man into a pigsty he is going to behave like a pig, and yet, when he does, we chastise him without asking why the work area is a pigsty in the first place. It is management’s prerogative to set up supervisory controls, systems, and standards and to take the lead to ensure that the basic causes do not exist. Fault Finding Failing to identify and rectify basic causes before they result in a loss is relying on luck to prevent the next accident. Basic causes must be eliminated by adequate controls.

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Cause, Effect, and Control of Accidental Loss with Accident Investigation Kit by Ron Charles McKinnon

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