Beginners' German (Classic Reprint) by Carl A. Walter PDF

By Carl A. Walter

ISBN-10: 1440044643

ISBN-13: 9781440044649

Novices' German is the elemental publication of the Walter-Krause German sequence. One objective of this introductory ebook is to begin the learner into the language of every-day existence in addition to into the literary language, thereby insuring a reahstic vocab- ulary. As we begin with the rapid atmosphere of the scholar, we've the simplest of foimdations for curiosity and for suc- cess. constantly we're taking recognition of the residing adolescent and never of summary pedantry. The paintings is an out- development of exact class-room adventure. desk of Contents CONTENTS web page Preface vii Map of Germany dealing with i Introductory: Alphabet i desk of German Sounds with causes three Lesson I. dialog - Days (ift, finb; tear, toaren; Wirb, tocrbcn fein) 7 II. dialog - Days (Declension of bic SS^od^e) . . nine III. dialog - Months (Declension of baiS ^a^r) . eleven IV. dialog - Seasons (Declension of ber J^crbft; note formation un-) thirteen V. dialog on previous paintings (Word-order; im- own verbs; observe formation -c) sixteen VI. O ^anncnbaum (Review; be aware formation -l^cit) . . 18 VII. dialog - Multiplication Tables (bcr-words) . 20 VIII. dialog - Arithmetical difficulties (Conjugation of 6!j 6itt; pronouns of handle) 22 IX. dialog - kinfolk (Declension of cinc SSoc^c, cin 3ot)r; be aware formation -d^cn, -Icin) 26 X. dialog - Cardinal Numbers (Declension of cin 2«onat) 28 XI. dialog - components of the Day (Conjugati

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Example text

Slrfitutig! J)a^ t[t bk crftc 5tci{)C ©a^ ift bic jtDcitc S)a^ finb 2, 4, 6 1, 3, 5, 9(uStt)enbtg Icrncn: crftc ©ruppc, obcr bic jtDcitc ©ruppc, etc. , 9Jcif)cn 7 finb ungcrabc obcr ©ruppcn. S^W^* (Snbc gut, altc^ gut. (Srft bic Slrbcit, stDci ®ic ®ic finb gut, arbcitcn gut finb nic^t fd^Icd^t! unb f)3iclcn nid^t! bic Strbcit? gtoettbtg yiimm bcnn (ernen: 2tn ben SBcrfcItagcn, tDirft, id^ n)cttc grol^cn ©onntag Jagc Unb bann? frifd^ bic Slrbcit Unb bu 5lIIc ©picL— bann ba^ ©prid^toortcr. ©ic SBann fommt Jld^tung!

SJJan fann folgenben *ipinral gebrand^en: Nominative einige Genitive einiger Z>a/iz;e einigen Accusative einige SBeanttDorten ©ie SBomit bie folgenben fefien n)ir? SBomit l^oren irir? SBomit ried^en n)ir? SBontit fnt)Ien tx)ir? SBomit fc^meden iDir? SBomit gel^en tdxx? SBomit fpred^en toir? SBontit beifeen n)ir? aiBomit fd^reiben njir? gragen: : beginners' GERMAN SBeld^c^ bie ift garbc obcr 4I gorm bie obcr bic 3

T)^^ cv^^^ ^^^ 52 SBoc^en. ^^^ 2:age ^at cin (gin ^at)V f)at ^a^r? 365 Sage. 9Bie bide S^age finb aber in cincm ©d^altjal^r? 3n cincm ©d^altiaf)r finb 366 Sage. 1912 ift cin ©d^altjal^r. ©tunben 24 ©tunben. SBie bide l^at cin lag? (Sin 2^ag l^at 28ir l^aben ie^t cine beutfd^e ©tunbe bon 10-11 Ul^r. f)at cine ©tunbe? inuten. 25on 1-2 (bi^ jtt)ei) ift cine ©tunbe. on 2-3 ift hjieber cine ©tunbe, unb SSie bide SKinuten (Sine @ine fialbc ©tunbe (Sine $8iertdftunbe (Sine 3lbieu! aWinute 2(uf 3Btcbcrfc^cn!

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Beginners' German (Classic Reprint) by Carl A. Walter

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