By Ken Budnick
ISBN-10: 007008856X
ISBN-13: 9780070088566
Booklet through Budnick, Ken
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Shaklee, and F. H. Pollak, Phys. Lett. 23, 37 (1966). E. Y. Wang, W. A. , and C. E. Bleil, in “11-VI SemiconductingCompounds”(Proc. 1967 Int. , Providence)(D. G. ), p. 136. Benjamin, New York and Amsterdam, 1967. J. G. Gay and L. T. Klauder, Phys. Rev. 172,811 (1968). E. Y. Wang and W. A. Albers, Phys. Lett. 27A, 341 (1968). R. E. Nahory and J. L. Shay, Phys. Rev. Lett. 21, 1569 (1968). 1. 17. Spectral dependence of the electroreflectance response of the Geeelectrolyte system of Fig. 1 5 for values of the electrode potential at the left and the right of the parabola in the interfacial capacity characteristic (Fig.
And second, the modulation thereby impressed onto the reflected beam is detected synchronously and phase-sensitively. Many stability problems encountered in an absolute reflectance measurement can be disregarded in modulated reflectance. This advantage is more than balanced, however, by the problem of lifting a modulation depth A R / R of typically 10- or less from the noise background. Lock-in amplifiers are well suited for this. Their input stages are sometimes saturated by other signals, such as the 120-Hz fluctuation of lamps, and the signal is distorted.
15,401 (1965). 69 W. Paul, Proc. Int. Sch. Phys. “Enrico Frrmi,” Course X X X I V ( J . Taw. 257. Academic Press, New York, 1966. 59 6o 46 B. 18. Energies of the peaks correlated to the fundamental edge of Ge at [ I 101 face as a E,,(l); 0 :E0(2);A:E , + Ao. (After Pollak and function of uniaxial stress along x 11 (001). ' '1 symmetry of the material. In cubic crystals, for instance, the strain establishes a preferred direction that breaks up the optical isotropy. Secondly, the strain changes the band structure by shifting energy levels in a specific manner so that removal of degeneracies can result.
Bar Code Loader by Ken Budnick
by Kevin