Thomas J. D. Armbrecht's At the Periphery of the Center: Sexuality and Literary Genre PDF

By Thomas J. D. Armbrecht

ISBN-10: 9042021896

ISBN-13: 9789042021891

On the outer edge of the heart is the 1st comparability of 2 of France's most vital twentieth-century authors, Julien eco-friendly and Marguerite Yourcenar. It examines textual components of their performs and novels to attract conclusions concerning the ways in which they characterize homosexuality of their texts. either Yourcenar and eco-friendly became to drama to discover points of same-sex wish that they felt not able to precise of their prose. The research in their performs exhibits that an emphasis on discussion and motion makes drama a very applicable style for writing approximately homosexuality since it provides an writer distance and hence safeguard from the "proclivities" of his characters. The chapters at the novel exhibit, in contrast, how prose fiction permits an writer to give an explanation for a character's sexuality with a level of subtlety tricky to accomplish in theatre. adaptations in narration and paratext permit writers to prevent condemning discourses and to discover an unique technique of expression as a substitute. on the outer edge brings a brand new, textually based method of Green's and Yourcenar's works that's in contrast to the mental analyses that frequently typify queer readings. it is going to be of serious curiosity to students of twentieth-century French literature and of Gender reviews. The booklet also will attract non-academic readers, in spite of the fact that, because it is set French authors who have been additionally americans and who wrote approximately US background and modern tradition.

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Extra info for At the Periphery of the Center: Sexuality and Literary Genre in the Works of Marguerite Yourcenar and Julien Green. (Chiasma)

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Ian gives a cryptic answer, and then ambiguously contradicts Mac Clure; is his terse “Si” (the French contradictory yes) in response to Mac Clure’s statement that he was not accompanied, or that he was not expected so early? This conversation continues with a weak attempt by Ian to cover his awkwardness by telling Mac Clure that he thinks he has seen him somewhere before. This first scene of miscommunication establishes the difficulties that Ian and Mac Clure will have during the rest of the play.

Genette divides paratext into two general categories, péritexte and épitexte, which depend on the relation of the paratext to the rest of text. Peritext, as its name implies, can be found “autour du texte, dans l’espace du même volume, comme le titre ou la préface, et parfois inséré dans les interstices du texte, comme les titres de chapitres ou certaines notes” (Seuils 10). Peritext cannot exist without the original text, since a title or preface that is not attached to any work, for example, has no meaning.

MAC CLURE : Lâchez-moi! Si vous voulez vous battre, nous irons dehors, mais vous êtes fou de me chercher querelle. Je ne vous veux aucun mal. IAN : Je ne te cherche pas querelle, imbécile! Je veux ta mort. (OC III 1074) In one way, Ian is speaking metaphorically: “l’interdit, le cercle d’horreur” could be interpreted by Mac Clure as unbridled emotion, corruption, or some other abstract threat to his purity. This time, however, Ian touches Mac Clure and uses the more intimate tu form of address, unlike before when he merely made allusions and used the more formal vous.

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At the Periphery of the Center: Sexuality and Literary Genre in the Works of Marguerite Yourcenar and Julien Green. (Chiasma) by Thomas J. D. Armbrecht

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