Analysis of Electrical Machines by Richard T. Smith (Auth.) PDF

By Richard T. Smith (Auth.)

ISBN-10: 008027174X

ISBN-13: 9780080271743

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1 it is clear that B is caused by i , i , and i \ thus, let us say d d ^ = - Jd fd + fd fd + kdhd L L i L kd d (- 2 1 -) 7 where L , L , and L are positive constant coefficients. ) They can be calculated or determined experimentally, as we will see later. 8) +Li. 10) L l L q and L i L q q L i qq + L i xp = L i kd l kkd kd - L i. 16) are the equations we need to solve many problems involving the commutator machine. 1 Consider a dc machine with one set of brushes, in the g-axis, and only one other winding — / .

The speed s Introduction 29 of this flux density "wave" is just exactly equal to the rotor speed. The other component is pulsating at 2co and can be thought of as caused by a flux density "wave" rotating in the opposite direction to the rotor, at speed co. A basic principle of electric machines is that flux density waves of the rotor and stationary windings, if they are of the same wavelength, must be stationary with respect to each other in order to produce a net average torque. In the present example, the stationary winding-caused flux density stationary with respect to the rotor is the component which produces an average torque.

More precisely, we can calculate how much energy is converted from mechanical to electrical form, or vice versa. To do this, we first must be confident of a method for calculating magnetic field energy when no motion takes place. For no motion, electrical input from source e— energy loss in R+ increase in stored magnetic field energy. 1) we see that the magnetic field energy is calculated by measuring the area to the left of the \f/ versus / curve, for any given x. Let us assume that at the time / = 0 the relay system is in condition / = I and x — K, corresponding to point a, and that the relay is then closing from t = 0 to t — T, during which time the \p versus / curve traces out the heavy line between a and b.

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Analysis of Electrical Machines by Richard T. Smith (Auth.)

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