Download PDF by Chad J. McGuire: Adapting to Sea Level Rise in the Coastal Zone: Law and

By Chad J. McGuire

ISBN-10: 1466559802

ISBN-13: 9781466559806

Accomplished, yet now not overly technical, this publication presents a legal-policy framework to the dialogue of ways coastal managers can top technique the matter of sea point upward thrust. It identifies felony obstacles and provides proposed recommendations to mitigate the influence of these limitations. The ebook introduces the difficulty, delves into the technological know-how at the back of sea point upward thrust, discusses coverage complexities and suggestions, by means of an summary of similar legalities, then, bringing all of it jointly, the writer applies the rules provided within the ebook, concluding with concepts and options and a viewpoint at the destiny.

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Also, the increase in sea level brings new tidal dynamics to areas of the cliff below and above the new tidal ranges. Science behind Sea Level Rise ◾ 37 walls and barriers against the sea create an area where ecological impacts will likely be minimized because preexisting barriers abutting the ocean have already removed much of the intertidal zone where a larger range of habitat mosaics would otherwise occur (Kelly 2000). Putting aside for the moment the question of the extent of sea level rise, current evidence suggests some continued rise will undoubtedly occur for the foreseeable future.

Following a single atom of carbon can provide a telling story of how carbon cycles throughout the entire Earth system. Imagine carbon that is stored in the body of a plant. The plant is consumed and, as a result, the carbon is sent * For a detailed summary of carbon cycling generally, see McGuire, Chad. 2012. Environmental Decision-Making in Context: A Toolbox. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. (p. 51–57). Science behind Sea Level Rise ◾ 23 into the atmosphere through a process of respiration. Once in the atmosphere, the carbon atom links up with oxygen to form carbon dioxide.

Finally, there is strong evidence that the rate of sea level rise will exceed that of the twentieth century in the twenty-first century (Jevrejeva et al. 2008). Areas of the coast that exhibit combinations of at-risk characteristics identified above and are found in dynamic locations will be prime targets for continued and sustained physical impacts of sea level rise for the foreseeable future. As such, these are likely key areas for policy consideration. Ecosystem impacts consider the effect of sea level rise on vulnerable coastal species and associated habitat.

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Adapting to Sea Level Rise in the Coastal Zone: Law and Policy Considerations by Chad J. McGuire

by Paul

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