Download e-book for iPad: A New Social Contract for Peru: An Agenda for Improving by Daniel Cotlear

By Daniel Cotlear

ISBN-10: 0821365673

ISBN-13: 9780821365670

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1, reproduced from Vega (2005), describes the political equilibrium by analyzing in more detail the incentives faced by the various actors in the educational system. As mentioned, the hypothesis of the low level of equilibrium suggests that the actors within the health and the education corporation have no incentive to change their behavior. In education the teachers, principals, regional authorities, unions, and the ministerial administration are all part of the low-level outcome. Inside the corporation, the equilibrium requires lax accountability among members of the corporation—doctors cannot expect much from nurses, hospital directors from doctors or from regional managers, or national managers from regional managers.

Finally, because these programs are implemented with little contact with government services, they lack the coordination with complementary services such as education, health care, and nutritional guidance, necessary for the programs to have an impact on the nutritional status of the beneficiaries. Users and the Provision of Primary Health Care: The CLAS. Following on the success of community groups in making investments financed by the social funds, and in implementing the social assistance programs, in the mid-1990s there were various attempts to involve communities in the management of schools and health facilities.

This suggests that a decision to introduce new costly ways of targeting through administrative means should be carefully considered against their likely benefits. Teachers and Health Workers: A Low-level Equilibrium Why is there a low quality in the provision of social services? Given the importance of human resources in the provision of education and health services, it is useful to analyze the performance of human resources as a starting point to understand the quality of services. Chapter 6 suggests the hypothesis that there is a low-level equilibrium—a situation where standards of quality have fallen to a low level and the actors of the health and the education corporations have no motivation to change the existing state of affairs.

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A New Social Contract for Peru: An Agenda for Improving Education, Health Care, and the Social Safety Net by Daniel Cotlear

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