Raimond Doctor's A Grammar of Gujarati PDF

By Raimond Doctor

ISBN-10: 3895863971

ISBN-13: 9783895863974

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Allomorphy and irregularity (including suppletion) are considered to be evidence for the greater inflectional potential of the category in question in the typological approach. The criterion of distributional potential concerns the number of syntactic contexts in which a grammatical element can occur. Two definitions of the distributional potential are possible. A stronger definition requires that the marked element occurs in a subset of occurrences (grammatical environments, construction types) of the unmarked value.

The role of general meaning, or semantic invariance, in markedness has been taken forward especially by van Schooneveld (1978) and Andrews (1990). In the course of Jakobson’s work, understanding of the character of the relevant semiotic property of the marked member changed from that of a substantive property of the objective reality to that of a language-specific categorial value, a development that was in congruence with the work on markedness by Hjelmslev (1935) and later structuralists. Thus, for Andersen (1989), the markedness relation is in part independent of linguistic substance and should be defined primarily as conceptual.

Behavioural criteria concern “any sort of evidence from the linguistic behavior of the elements in question that would demonstrate that one value of a conceptual category is grammatically more ‘versatile’ than the other” (Croft 2003: 95). The behavioural criteria have been developed especially in the typological approach to markedness, and their discussion here is based on Croft (1990, 2003). The criterion of neutral value concerns neutralisation of paradigmatic contrasts in certain contexts. The criterion was developed in the Prague School, and taken over by Greenberg (1966).

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A Grammar of Gujarati by Raimond Doctor

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